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Dear Readers! We introduce the OOM commander battle droids, who were special droids in the army of the Trade Federation, and later in the CIS (Confederacy of Independent Systems), employed for commanding other droids in military actions, serving as an interface between the Neimoidian leaders and the basic battle droids. Also, they had to obbey the army commanders, such as Asajj Ventress, Dooku, or General Grievous. Please take a look at my custom OOM-9 battle droid figure too! Click the button of the Film main section above, and select OOM-9 from the left menu bar!


Dear Readers! We introduce the red battle droids, who were special CIS developed droids, painted red to differentiate them from the old droids of the Trade Federation, who were much stronger, smarter, quicker, and more accurate than the old Trade Fed droids! Click the button of the Film main section above, and select the red droid from the left menu bar!








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