sandtroopers in the movie

Security battledroid

Custom figures inspired by a moviecharacter


Custom security battledroid figure inspired by the movie character

Security battle droids are standard battle droids, but with red shoulders and crests. They have no backpack. OOM security battle droids were security droids of the Trade Federation and Confederacy of Independent Systems used for the purposes of defense and detection. They are similar battle droids like the normal B1 type battle droids, but were designed to patrol in groups and guard prisoners, not to fight on the battlefronts. The first waves of security droids were lack in accuracy and coordination. This made them fail since their target system was poor, and they were easy to destroy. After the first negative experiences the Trade Federation upgraded the security battle droids and designed the OOM security droid class, which were a bit better, however they were still target practice for a skilled opponent. It was manufactured by Baktoid Combat Automata as part of the OOM droid line. The new family of security droids were still characterized by the well-known red markings on their shoulders and upper abdomen, which distinguished them from other variants of the OOM models. They most commonly worked in squads led by an OOM command battle droid, so to have a chance to defeat the enemy overwhelming them with the big quantities, but with not a big success, yet. security battle droidok örzik palpatinetSo Trade Federation security droids often were seen in their most common role as guards on capital ships carried the standard weapons (E-5 blaster rifles) used by similar models. Security droids patrolled the hallways and attacked Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn in Episode 1. Security droids also accompanied Viceroy Nute Gunray, OOM-9, and Queen Amidala through the streets of Theed but were easily destroyed by the two Jedi. Security droids then saw service on Capital ships such as the Invisible Hand.

Security droids were often seen guarding vital parts of CIS cruisers, such as hangars, lifts, main corridors, bridge area, and important doors. In Episode 1, The phantom menace we saw several security_droids_vulture_droidssecurity battle droids and vulture droids stationing in that hangar where Qui-Gon Jinn and the young Obi-wan Kenobi arrived with their Republic transport ship. After two Jedis were identified, and ordered to be killed by Darth Sidious, the Neimodians sent a security_droids_oom9squad of security battle droids led by an OOM-9 commander battle droid to finish them off, in case if they survived the dioxin gas which was pumped in the room where the Jedi was trapped. But neither the gas, nor the security droid squad was enough to kill the two talented Jedi, who destroyed the droids and escaped. Later in Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith we met similar security droids guarding the hangar of Invisible Handsecurity battle droids guarding the hangar of Invisible Hand, who suffered the same fate, and all were destroyed by the now master Obi-wan Kenobi and his Jedi knight friend, Anakin Skywalker, who crash landed in their hangar. Obi-wan's Obi wan jumped out from the wreckage ship so quickly that maybe the droid even was not able to see himJedi starfighter was attacked by buzz droids, and Anakin had to clear them off from his master's ship, partially destroying Obi-wan's wings and engine, so he navigated his master into the hangar when searching a nearby spot to land with the seriously damage ship. invisiblehand_hangar_security droidokObi-wan jumped out from the wreckage so quickly, that maybe the droids Anakin harcol a security droidok_tuzeben a hangarbaneven were not able to see him, or even to react, and started the slice the droids, later accompanied by Anakin, together destroying them all, leaving the hangar covered by droid parts. This action is one of the most spectacular scenes of film start. Later on we met a security droids guarding the elevator of Invisible Handsquad of security droids again, who were guarding an elevator, they got behind the Jedi, told them to give up and surrender, then felt apart into tiny pieces due to the skilful lightsaber slashes that came as an answer.

After the two Jedis were captured later on, and since security droids have to guard prisoners and escort them, they fulfilled their duty, and security droids escorting obi1 and anakin in front of grievousescorted Obi-wan and Anakin in front of General Grievous. We saw them earlier too escorting prisoners, for example security droids taking the captives in camp foursecurity battle droids were dispatched to escort the captive Queen Amidala, Sio Bibble, and a bunch of security droids escorting queen amidala and sio bibleNaboo personals into Camp 4. However in the streets of Theed the security droids were ambushed and destroyed by Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-wan, who saved the Queen, and provided her a much better escort then the droids could give.

Security battle droids had a function as a body guard, too. They were often kept as a bodyguard by the Neimoidian leaders, who some why appreciated this kind of fake safe, since these droids was never provided them enough safety. security_droids_theed_palaceThe neimodians surrounded themselves with security battledroid in the royal hall of the Theed palace, hoping that they will protect them from the intruders, but Amidala, captain Panaka, and two naboo soldiers were enough to ruin this fake safety. But the neimoidians seem to never learn, they sent many security1mustafarsecurity droids to guard the chambers, and main entrances of the Mustafar complex, where the CIS headquarter was located in the end of the Clone Wars, but the alone Darth Vader was enough to destroy their defences, and to kill all the main CIS leaders as a Sith "pay off" for their assistance in the war.

These security battle droids represented a convenient defence against an average opponent, or even symbolized a large threat for the clones, although for a properly trained, skilled opponent their had no chance. Individually for a Jedi their were just a routine work, or even in small groups they were just a target practice for them, but in mass quantities, you should never underestimate them!  


Please take a look at my custom security battledroid figure!

There was not any security battledroid figures in that time, when I made this. Made from an episode 1 bonus droid, and painted with red.


Custom security battledroid figure front view, guarding Neimoidian leaders



Custom security battledroid figure alone

security_battledroid_figure battle damaged


Custom security battledroid figure handles the captive Kenobi's lightsaber to general Grievous

security_battledroid_figure Kenobi saber


Thanks for your interest, visit back soon to CustomStarWars!

 written by: Norbert Rostas 2010.09.29. the figure was made many years before.


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