sandtroopers in the movie

Slinger ewok

Custom figures inspired by a moviecharacter


Custom slinger ewok figure and its story

Today's article I will publish ewok_endor_dioramaa slinger Ewok in a nice diorama, featuring a scene of Endor. A fallen tree, abandoned imperial weapons, helmets, Ewoks, and the protagonist, the slinger Ewok. He has not been named officially yet, since he had been only seen for a few seconds in the movie, but it never bothered Hasbro, as you know, they released dozens of the ewoks, all with names. And that is certainly a great gold mine for them, because the tribe contains countless Ewoks and they may be all released, that may monetize them all. They give names for them, giving them a little background story, and they can go on the shelves. I'm not going into this game; I custom made a couple of little Ewoks in my tribe making dioramas for them to be alive, I can give him even a name, let it be Bunda Gombafej for example. This is often said by the Ewoks, at least very similar to that you could hear opening the article.

Their fur have various colors like brown, black, gray, striped, and who knows how many kinds, it is also a great chance for Hasbro, because they can release different colored ewoks, then counting the dollar after the released and sold figures.

More ewok_parittyásokEwok slingers could be seen in the Return of the Jedi, where three were spinning their ewok_slingerweapons over their heads, two successful tosses the stone, but one of them misses, the rope span around his head and the stone shredded his head. So it was visible and we may all ewok_parittyasknow, that the sling in inaugurated hands can be a good weapon, but in untrained hands it easily turn into suicidal. Obviously, ewok_parittyas_fejbe találja saját magátthere is a Biblical reference to the appearance of a weapon, remember David, who killed Goliath with a sling. David as a shepherd often used a sling, so in his hands the weapon was inaugurated, he hit the giant warrior on the forehead, killing him they become victorious in the battle. In the film, obviously we wanted to be felt that against the mighty Galactic Empire the primitive Ewoks were the same underdog like David was against Goliath, but triumphed in the same way.

My problem with this, though Goliath was properly ironed, he had free body surfaces against which the stone could proved to be effective, but the Imperial stormtroopers theoretically wearing a full-body armor, which in theory intended to deflect laser bolts. I have an eternal problem with this, I will not write it down again, who is interested in my opinion on this topic, please read back my elite stormtrooper material in the Galactic Battlegrounds main section, that was published recently, there I study this topic in detail.

The ewok falu galactic battlegroundsEwok warriors mostly used similar primitive weapons in the film, most are armed with knives, spears, bows, but quite often with wooden clubs, ewok_csapdasmaces. So the sling does not stand out from the queue. Obviously, this is a native theme, which clearly refers to the native, also primitive, natural Native American indian people. In fact, even the traps were primitive in the majority, from streching out ropes to the logs which were rolled ewok_speederbike elleni kifeszített kötél csapdadown on the hillside, but their efficiency was much better, these were more effective even against a mechanized units, which gave realistic scenes to the film, as a speederbike plot really can be pulled away with a stretched tendril from the saddle, and ewok atst_buktatasan AT-ST really can be capsized with the logs. The tide of the Battle of Endor was turned when the traps began to work, and when Chewie gained controll over a walker and presented himself as a friendly unit getting behind hostile walkers shooting them out.

The sling is a cult weapon, though primitive, yet a grand, historic weapons. Surely no coincidence that Israel, after the Iron Dome air defense system was handed over recently a newer system, its name was David's sling.

Please accept therefore with love my little Ewok slinger figure in an unique custom diorama.

Take a look at my custom slinger ewok figure!


Custom slinger ewok figure front

custom_slinger ewok_front

Custom slinger ewok figure back





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 written by: Norbert Rostas 2017.04.19. the figure was made many years before.


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