custom geonosis battle

Custom Collections and fan art

Custom figures, custom collections, and fan art


Ray Seregi has created a figure, that can be called "I, sandtrooper". Ray made this sandtrooper as it was himself. Which is especially cool on his figure is the dirt on the armor, and the battle damage simulation, painted all over his figure. Also, the rifle has some red infra scope, while the whole weapon looks metallic. Great work.

sandtrooper rajmond_sandtrooper

Ray has modified an old POTF imperial speeder bike. Ray is fond of the 501st legion, and as a member, it is evident he chose to paint it like a 501st speeder bike would have looked like. Since I am also a big vehicle fan and collector, I am happy to have this custom Endor bike in our site. We can study Ray's innovative view, and the technique that he used to create this worn out, used-looking speeder bike, and the signs that the biker scout painted on his bike after each destroyed hostile bikes, or ewoks, maybe... Great work. Thank you Ray.

endor_speederbike 501_speederbike


 Commented by: Norbert Rostas


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