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Custom figures, and custom collections and fan art


Attila Fabian's Custom Saurin bodyguard figure Saitorr Kal Fas


We can see two saurin pictureSaurins in the Mos Eisley Cantina. I have chosen the one that is in a red shirt with a black stripe on it (it cannot be seen in the movie, because it is quite dark in the space pub, which is usual in a popular pub, and also reminds the guests of the darkness of space and the darkness of their minds when they get drunk). These aliens are short biped reptiles. Much shorter than their relatives the Trandoshans (who are very tall, like Bossk, but we know of short individuals as well, such as Ga' Nachkt who is a stubby droid smuggler-dealer and debris trader - just check out the Trandoshan bounty hunter article of CustomStarWars). It is a similarity with the Saurins, because one of them is a droid dealer. But I chose his sidekick, who is a female(!) bodyguard. Females are known to be much more aggressive and stronger than males of this species.
Here is a refference photo of Saitorr Kal Fas from a book. The picture, that you could see above is from my US friend, Jim, thanks for it buddy! So lets get down to the bodyguard then. Thanks, Attila!


saitorr_kal_fas figure  Custom Saurin bodyguard 


 written by: Attila Fabian, and some addition data and pics from Norbert Rostas


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