opening screen of republic commando


Republic Commando


sevRepublic Commando tells the story of the four clone hero of the Delta squad. Sev is the close combat specialist of the team, and he loves to kill things. Sev is the master of vibroblade, martial art, and hand-to-hand fight. Aggressive, fast moving, but in the meantime very strong. One of his favorite things is sniping - so became the sniper of the squad, too. When the Boss orders him to take a sniper position, and shoot down some enemy, Sev often reacts "with extreme pleasure, sir". He was trained by the Mandalorian sergeant Walon Wau, who taught him well, maybe even too well...

sev wallpaperI have already written an article on Republic Commando game, mentioning almost everything for you about the game itself, the clones, their training, their weaponry, and their missions. In this article I will write about one of my favorites, RC-1207, alias Sev, and I would like to show you a Sev custom figure. (RC stands for Recon Commando. The clones identify each other with the last two digit of their ID, that is why "oh seven" or just short "Sev" is his name).

Let's start with its painting! This guy looks crazy! Imagine a housewife who is kneading a dough,
sev_totalwhile the telephone starts ringing! The woman hurries towards the telephone, and splodges her floury and soggy hands in her pinafore. Well, Sev does the same, he splodges his bloody, dirty hands in his armor. First randomly, in his thigh, and other random places, then he noticed, how this bloody armor frightens and terrifies the enemy, so he started to splodge his armor knowingly! And finally he made a special design, creating this red painted, bloody, smeary end product.

republic_commando_sev_bloody_palmprint_helmetDo you remember the American movie "Cast away", when Tom Hanks grabs the ball with his bloody hand, and angrily throws it away on the island? That is how he created Mr. Wilson , the modern Friday (ala Robinson)... :-) Well, you can see a very similar formation on Sev's helmet! This shape is a bloody palmprint! I suppose once he took it down, or put it up with a bloody hand, and he let the blood become dry, because it was cool, and agonized, too...

custom rifle His custom rifle is shining like it would have been a metal, not just a simple piece of plastic. It is a bit worn, its edges are silvery because of the usage. The display says there are 100 ammo in the shell. The barrel seems like as it would be a hole in it. The blue aiming laser seems like coming out from the rifle. The optic is like really made from glass, shining like a real binocular.

sev_backpack_07The backpack is unique, and typical of Sev. Yeah yeah, that is red, but you can read his ID on it, 07! Cool, I like it. You can see on his calf and his forearm where the blood spattered, and how the blood ran down. It is thicker at some areas where the blood dried in the last years, and there are newer spots from the latest fights. You can imagine Sev as he is fighting in the middle of many enemies, beating, kicking, wrist-blading them during the close combat, and after that he comes out red, bloody, in total madness, that his own squad members get frightened of him.

This clone is crazy. His fellow squad members suspect that somebody has spiked his cloning vat.
custom_card custom_card2He is too aggressive, and enjoys the fight too much. Other clone troopers fight because they have to, because that was the order, but Sev fights because he likes it. You can read it on the back of his custom card. If someone hears his menacing, disturbing, low voice, that will think Sev is a brute clone. Sev was programmed and trained to be a soldier, to kill if necessary, but it seems it became to much, he enjoys it more then that would be acceptable. He has a grim sense of humor.

Delta squad member like Sev. They are all brother by genes, and also brothers-in-arms. They would given their lives for the others. Sev and Scorch are like two clowns, they are always joking, and they boost the moral of the squad with it. This is very practical, when they are before action, when they afraid of dead, and never know if they even came home after the battle. These two wags are always making fun, playing tricks, and they try to make the mood better. The team laugh their heads off, uproarious, wildly, manly, and dares to face their faith, and with their fears.

Have you seen Alien 2? When the commando travels to the planet LV-426 to face the hundreds of deadly Aliens you could watch their hearth beats on the monitors. It was so quick, that you couldn't see the pause between two beats. And there stood up Hudson, the wag of that commando, and he started to make fun. Do you remember? He wanted to make them laugh, wanted to see his squad members to forget theirs fears, to be prepared for the fight. He asked who is the greatest team, which is the best squad, WE ARE, we go down, and we kick their ass!

Well, the same wags are Scorch and Sev. Two good friends. They have developed a bond as strong and deep as family. They are joking before and during missions, but they trust, love, help, and respect each other, and they are true friend. Maybe that was the reason that I wanted these two clones on my shelf.


Delta Squad manned four Heavy AA turret against a CIS dropship. Once the ship was destroyed, Advisor ordered the Deltas to regroup at Boss's position. Only two clones arrive... Sev did not make it to the rendezvous point. The squad receives a last transmission from him, in which it becomes clear that he is under heavy attack and is possibly injured or killed. The clones always obey orders unconditionally, but this time they almost disobey it, they wanna go back for Sev, no matter what the Advisor told. Delta Squad prepares to rescue Sev, but the commander orders them to pull back. However Scorch is raving with fury, they can't risk the mission, they had to leave their friend back. As Anakin was not permitted to turn back the yodaGunship to pick up Padme Amidala who felt out from the Republic Gunship, as it would have given a good chance for Dooku to escape, Republic Commando neither were permitted to rescue their brother, because it should have risked the secret operations that were started and led by Master Yoda. He was a Jedi general at this time, and he is just arriving to Kashyyyk to help the wookies, which was continued in EPIII.


maybe one day the squad will be four againMany of the fans hope or believe that we can find and rescue Sev in the second part of Republic Commando. Gossips say chapter II will be titled Order 66, and we will be together with Sev again, but unfortunately we won't only meet battle droids, super battle droids, spider droids, trandoshans, but also Jedi masters, what would be very painful to kill Jedi.


While we are waiting for Order 66 I bought the available figures (Scorch, Republic commando battle pack, Sun Fac) and handmade a custom Sev to be able to take a look for the heroes of Republic Commando PC game in my home. I think many other fans have done the same. At l(e)ast we can review our favorites in plastic.


Please take a look at my custom Sev figure!

custom Sev figure close front


custom Sev figure front


custom Sev figure back



Thanks for visiting me, I expect you back!



written and translated by: Norbert Rostas


republic commando cover

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