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Darth Sion

Knights of the Old Republic 2


Darth Sion is an antagonistic character from the Star Wars Expanded Universe. Darth Sion, along with Darth Nihilus and Darth Traya, are the title characters in the video game Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, as the game introduces the era, what was determined by their acts.

In KotOR1 Revan killed Uthar Wynn, who was the master of the Sith Academy at Korriban. Then he finished off Darth Malak at the end of the game, then Revan himself traveled to the Unknown Regions and disappeared. The Sith, without their leaders turned on themselves on Korriban, and killed each other racing, and raging for the power. Sion escaped, apparently to the Unknown Regions, but he actually went to Malachor V, where searched Revan's former teacher, Darth Traya, and asked her to be her apprentice.

Sion is a uniquely powerful individual, having learned the ways of pain in the Trayus Academy on Malachor. Torturing and killing others enhanced his strength in the Force, and his ability to feed on his own pain and hatred made him almost immortal. Sion would normally be dead if it weren't for the power of hatred embodied by the Dark Side, and sheer force of will that held together his body - which was damaged to the point that it consisted of burned bits and pieces, making him very startling looking. If somebody wounded him, or caused him pain, his power has grown further! If he were struck down, he could always arise by feeding on his agony! He was in constant pain, and spoke with a deep, rasping voice. (He is voiced by Louis Mellis, who has made a great job!) Darth Sion gained the name "Lord of Pain". A master with a lightsaber he was a superb a Sith Marauder, and perhaps the most infamous Sith assassin of the era, Sion was known to be responsible for the torture and the death of countless captured Jedi. Sion became a great, and powerful Sith master under Traya.

sion and nihilus vs trayaHowever, the Sith alliance between Traya, Nihilus, and Sion himself could not last forever. Sion and Nihilus attacked Darth Traya at the Trayus Core and exiled her. Sion's old master, now as "Kreia", was also searching for the Exile. Sion and his legions of assassins chased Kreia after she had acquired possession of the Ebon Hawk. The Ebon Hawk reached its destination, the Republic warship Harbinger, and called for help against Sion's warship. Sion "played dead" as his assassins turned on their cloaking field generators and boarded the Harbinger. Sion was placed into a kolto tank for observations due to his strange and unusual appearance. Suddenly, Sion's assassins de-cloaked themselves and attacked the Harbinger's crew. Sion awakened and smashed from his tank. All the while, Kreia managed to find what she was looking for on the Harbinger - the Jedi Exile, who was a soldier on the Harbinger during his exile, but now he has injured in the fights. Kreia managed to get the Exile to the Ebon Hawk and escaped, however the ship severely damaged. Sion and Nihilus continued their search by sending assassins after the two - Exile and Kreia.

The Ebon Hawk, nearly destroyed, docked at the Peragus Mining Facility for much needed repairs. However, it wouldn't be long before Sion and the Harbinger found them and docked with the facility himself. Sion lead an elite team of Sith Assassins after the Exile, whom he believed to be one of the last Jedi. Kreia immediately sensed his arrival and informed the Exile that they must leave at once. However, Kreia and the Exile, along with ex-assassin for the Sith-turned smuggler Atton Rand, had to sneak through the Harbinger to make their way into the Ebon Hawk's hangar bay while being pursued by Sion's assassins. While running, Sion waited for them in the lower levels of the ship, as Darth Vader waited for Obi wan Kenobi. Kreia allowed for the Exile and Atton to escape while she faced off with Sion. Darth Sion exchanged taunts with Kreia, (you are weak... - now I am the master...) who was hiding in the shadows. Kreia approached Sion from behind with a vibrosword, but he quickly swung round and cut her hand off with his lightsaber. Kreia was luckier then Kenobi was, for a reason Sion spared Kreia and allowed her to escape, though wounded, Kreia managed to board the Ebon Hawk as it was about to lift off, and they escaped with the Ebon Hawk. Chasing them Sion destroyed Peragus incidentally hitting one of the asteroids causing the entire asteroid field to explode. Oh, well thought Sion, who cares for some stupid asteroids. He managed to escape from the burning asteroid stone storm, and turned back to Korriban.

While on Korriban, Sion encountered another Jedi - Master Lonna Vash, lonna_vashwhere he captured her and locked away, using her as a bait until the Jedi Exile arrived to search for her. Sion ordered his assassins to hunt him when he arrived to the Sith Academy. When the Exile arrived at Korriban, Sion didn't need Master Vash any further, so he brutally murdered her. The Exile, upon finding Master Vash's body felt it was time to leave, but was confronted by Sion before he could make his escape.

sion_assassinDarth Sion first dueled with the Exile here on Korriban, but because of the dark forces of which made him inviolable in mere lightsaber combat the Exile had no choice but to flee, like Qui Gon Jinn and Obi-wan Kenobi had to flee before those destroyer droids in the Phantom Menace. Of course he was pursued by Sion's assassins all the time during their journey.

After his fellow Sith Lord, Darth Nihilus, was killed by the Exile at Telos IV as I mentioned in my Visas Marr article, Sion left Korriban and traveled to the Trayus Academy on Malachor V. By the time of his arrival on Malachor, Sion realized that Darth Traya had also returned. Sion begrudgingly accepted her back as his master because the Exile could arrive on Malachor V at anytime for a friendly fight. He sought not only the destruction of all Jedi, but everything his former master held dear. Darth Sion wanted the Exile's death to break his old master, so he was eager to kill him. Sion's view of the Exile is very depreciating. now you realize the true power of the dark sideHe absolutely despises the Exile and believes that he is weak and doesn't understand why Kreia favors the Exile over him, mainly because Kreia respects the Exile more. In this screenshot Sion says "now you realize the true power of the Dark Side". He thought he could easily defeat the Exile, and Kreia will fall crying begging him to return under her wings, and be her apprentice again. Sion wished nothing more than to kill him because of that. So before their fight he shared his "ars poetica" the force is pain the force is focuswith the Exile, and his belief of the Force. It was "The Force is Pain. The Force is Focus. The Force is that which drives the strong and kills the weak." Well, it is possible that for HIM the Force was pain, and focus, but I suppose the Exile, or a sane individual would think it different.


The fight between Darth Sion and Exile Jedi

sion3siondarth sion

sion recovers 380hpThey ignited their lightsabers, and started a final battle. The fight was tough. The Exile was again unable to defeat Sion in lightsaber combat, Sion stood up again and again after he was struck down by a mortal blow. He is sion admits that kreia was right about the exileable to recover like 380 health points (HP) after each and every time. Even Darth Sion has admitted, that the Exile was strong, and perhaps Kreia was correct about the Exile. Perhaps... But anyway, it was a draw, Exile won the fight all the time, but Sion stood up every time, and demanded a return match. :-) sion cannot be defeatedHe said "as long as the dark places of the world flow though the cracks of his flesh, he can not be defeated". And so it seemed to be. Exile had to change tactics. He tried to use persuasion to turn Sion's own beliefs against him. The Exile eroded Sion's will and convinced him that Darth Traya had no more use for him, and by giving up the Force he would finally be free from the horrible pain and hatred to which he had condemned himself. sion_diesSion eventually gave in to the Jedi's influence and became vulnerable by loosing his fate in the power of the Dark Side, and in the power of his pain. Finally he lost the battle, but he still couldn't believed that he lost, and he will die. Before Exile finished him, he realized, he were living in the Darkness, and his belief was false, but it was too late for him. His final words were: "I am glad to leave this place - at last", but probably his wicked soul will never find peace, and will never be able to relax.

His name "Sion" refers to the word scion, meaning "heir", in this case, heir to his master, Traya, and the legacy of the Sith. Unlike most Sith of the time and, for that matter, throughout history Darth Sion cared nothing for ruling an empire or conquering the galaxy; his only concern was the total and utter destruction of the Jedi Order, similar to the goal of Darth Maul. This was a task which he saw to personally, with unimaginable success. Sion was considered by most to be a brute man, he cared nothing for teaching and knowledge all that fuelled his ambitions were his terrible pain, rage, and commitment to see the Jedi Order extinct. The Lord of Pain despised weakness and had a respect only for raw and brutal power. He seemed to hold great contempt and disgust for the former Sith Lord, Darth Revan, preferring Malak's leadership as he stated so at one point to the Exile: "Malak had strength, and embraced it, saw his opportunity and took it. Then Lord Revan had the chance to rule over an empire, to heal this broken galaxy and make it strong again - instead he chose to surrender it to weakness, and he ran away." Sion's and HK-47's opinions of Revan and Malak were the total opposite. Sion thought Malak was the true power, who used strength and brutality to take over the galaxy, whereas HK-47 thought Revan, his former master, was the most powerful of the two, because he relied more on tactics. In the end, HK-47's tactic of erosion of the will - which the Exile used - proved to be more useful than brute power. The time gives answers for everything. The strategy and the tactics are often more useful then the aggression, and the power. HK-47 was right. Even the biggest and strongest evils must pay for their sins in the end. Darth Malak and Darth Sion has fallen. Revan and the Exile won and survived. The Dark Side won some battles, but the war was won by the Light.

Please take a look at my custom Darth Sion figure!


Darth Sion custom figure with a custom lightsaber front view

 sion_custom front


Darth Sion custom figure with a custom lightsaber from the back

sion_custom back darth sion back


Darth Sion custom figure with a custom lightsaber side view




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written by: Norbert Rostas 2008.09.02. the figure was made years before


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