cis forces


B2HA Super Battle Droid (Phase 3)

Galactic Battlegrounds


The the 3 sbd_phase in one picturegrenade or torpedo launcher Super battle Droid is the third and the strongest version of the B2 Super Battle Droid family. This is the third phase of the three SBDs, so it's often called or written as Ph3 SBD or Phase 3 Super Battle Droid, but it's original name is B2-HA. The B2-HA series super battle droid was a version of the normal (second phase) B2 super battle droid equipped with a cannon arm that could launch either a warhead, or homing torpedo, and heat exchangers on their back. This type was used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems to lead both B1 battle droids and B2 super battle droids into battle.

Sources b2_super_battle_droid_commandermention the III phase SBDs as B2-HA type, which is a possible short form of heavy artillery. The B2-HA series super battle droid model was equipped with a cannon arm or homing torpedo. The intelligence of this series was upgraded little from standard infantry but served as a much greater threat during direct combat, capable of creating a large blast radius with its cannon attachment. They haven't spread widely, due to their limited abilities as competent commanders, they often only led small groups of droids or guarded essential locations on the battlefield, or led frontal attacks, because they had enough intelligence for that. Later, when some more clever droids were needed for finest missions tactical droids were deployed, who were more clever, could calculate faster and better, and commanded with ice cold preciosity as CIS commanders.

Clone Wars appearances

Early in the phase3_sbd_toydariaClone Wars, one yoda master saves thireB2-HA series super battle droid led troops under Asajj Ventress on the moon of Rugosa as it was seen in the first episode of the first season. It fired a rocket, which injured clone commander Thyre. This droid was destroyed by Jedi Master Yoda during the battle.

Shortly after, b2ha_sbd_malevolenceanother heavy super battle droid commander was used onboard the Malevolence. An OOM command battle droid ordered the commander to destroy a rail jet using its cannon arm, almost killing Padme Amidala, who was saved by Anakin Skywalker. This unit was presumably destroyed along with the Malevolence when it crashed into the dead moon of Antar.

On heavy_sbd_rodiaRodia, another super battle droid commander led droid troops to protect the city. This droid used a homing torpedo in an attempt to destroy Jar Jar Binks, mistaking him for a Jedi. The gungan jumped in the water. The SBD threw grenades in the water to kill Jar Jar. This droid was destroyed, alongside his troops, by a Kwazel Maw creature, who was befriended with Jar Jar, and saved him. The gungan named the fish "Boogie".

When Nute Gunray was being transported onboard the Venator-class Star Destroyer, Tranquility, another b2ha_sbd_tranquilityB2-HA series super battle droid led a Separatist boarding party. This droid exited a Droch-class boarding ship alongside its troops and cleared through a Republic defensive in the Tranquility's hangar with its cannon arm. It fired a rocket at the clones who were hiding behind cover, almost killing everybody. The only survivor, who wanted to warn Ahsoka or Luminara Unduli for the intruders, was quickly killed by Asajj Ventress herself. But this B2-HA SBD was later presumably destroyed along with its troops by the clones of Commander Gree, or by one of the Jedi.

At least two phase3_sbd_onderon jungleB2-HA series super battle droids were present during the CIS occupation of Onderon. One was present during a small skirmish between the b2ha_onderon1CIS droids and the Onderon rebels (who were taught by Anakin, Kenobi, and Ahsoka for guerilla warfare) outside the capital city, Iziz while another was present fighting the same group of rebels when they infiltrated Iziz in an attempt to liberate it. However, both droids were destroyed by the rebels.

Galactic Battlegrounds

In the game Galactic Battlegrounds we can build superbattle droids if we control the CIS and if we have Troop center(s). A Phase 3 SBD obviously the trooper of the third tech level, if we advance to level IV, Phase III SBD can be upgraded to repeatersbdrepeater droids, which is a strong gunner type droid, using a massive cannon killing everyone from a large distance. This fourth phase neither widely known nor authentic, because it is only playable in the game Galactic Battlegrounds. Only this would not be a big problem because GBG gave many unique units to the world of Star Wars, it is enough to mention the prototype AT-ST, which is being used for the Rebels series. Many CIS vehicles were also developed by the superb game Galactic Battlegrounds, well before the Episode 3. Grenade SBDs as they were seen in the Clone Wars seasons, were probably applied from GBG, too. However the grenade launcher SBD is RIGHT HANDED  in the game, the Filoni team hasn't bothered about that fact, and always depicted this SBD type left handed. Phase 3 SBDs were never seen in the movies, so we only saw them in the game heavy_sbd_troopersGalactic Battlegrounds, and since GBG sometimes also gives us left handed SBD in the troop centers, they are OK like this. But most of them is right handed in the game, too, so I decided to make a right handed too, since this is the Galactic Battlegrounds main section, and I custom made a GBG grenadier SBD. In the game Galactic Battlegrounds the name of this unit is Heavy Trooper, which is OK, since it's real designation also B2-HA. To build one you have to pay 25 food and 35 carbon. This is a fair sum, because the gamer probably has now plenty of resources in Tech level 3, but that is never enough, because of those constant upgrades, but some money will remain for the SBDs, so this price is a fair one. A Phase 3 SBD has 65 HP, which means that is the droid's "life". That is great, do not forget that it's life was 30 in the previous tech level, so now it has been doubled. Its line of sight is 4 , its damage is 8.

If we have built some SBDs, we can start upgrading them. This won't make them Phase 4 droids, simply these works can upgrade some of the abilities of the Phase 3 SBD. For example its armor. We need a superbattledroid_heavy_armorWar center, where we can improve some of their basic attributes. The first icon from the left is heavy armor. It costs 250 food and 250 nova, a single price that improves all SBD's armor with +1/+2. Here we go, their armor is thicker and not only with +1/+2, but because of the previous +1 upgrade on the Beta version, not and the Ph.II SBD +1/+1, so they have a total of 0+3/1+4 which is really good. Having this thick armor plating they would be quite slow, advancing quite slowly under the weight of their armor. Fortunately you can accelerate them in the third level, they can be fastened a bit. Just click on the troop center, and find that icon which has a speeder bike on it. This is the dexteritydexterity upgrade. To be more clear, they become faster. No so fast as a speeder bike, but they really gain some speed. This button will give the droid some extra speed so they can move an other 5% faster, (which adds to the previous 5%). In my opinion this price is too much, this upgrade costs 450 food and 150 carbon. Do not forget, the previous 5% speed upgrade only cost 100 food, so having an other 5% superbattledroid_integrated_rangefinderis not too economic to pay so much, but if you have plenty of resources, do not spare this money. And that's not all! Select the integrated rangefinder icon! This works like a gunner calculation. Do not forget, this SBD fires ballistic bullets, rockets, torpedoes, grenades. He has to calculate the course, the weight of the bullets, the wind, the velocity, and of course the range is also essential. The Heavy SBD is really the most clever, since he has to calculate a successful shot, while other basic super battle droids only fires laser bolts. Also, this upgrade helps the droids to aim better, see further, and notice the enemy sooner. It costs 300 food, and all troop center units gain an additional +1 line of sight and +1 range, which means they notice the enemy from 1 clicks further, and they do not only see them, but they will be able to fire at them from 1 squares larger distance. If you are here in the troop center, do not forget the droid_assistantsdroid assistant upgrade! This is an evident thing - droid assistants works beside the assembly lines, and with their help the production will be faster. And if you pay for that, your production in the factories will accelerates indeed, namely with 20 percent. And that is a cheap upgrade, only costs 100 food, and 100 carbon. And if you have more money, click on the fortress and select the superbattledroid_automated_processautomated process icon! That upgrade gives you an additional 33% production speed, because of many automated production segments. This is an awesome upgrade, not only because of this great 33%,but because this upgrade has an effect on ALL MILITARY UNITS, including troops, mechs, air units, bounty hunters, siege machines, cruisers, EVERYTHING except economic things. And this only costs 150 food, and 150 nova. All right, this "not expensive upgrades" all together costs us a large money, but with these you'll have a gorgeous and extremely strong CIS army. And there is an other extra button, well hidden, in the research center! It's name is droid_upgradesdroid upgrades. That is a CIS specific, which means this upgrade only available for the CIS droids, even the Trade Federation can not select this for their droid army! It is a bit expensive, but if you upgrade that, your army will dominate for sure, your droids will the the strongest of all! It gives 25 extra vitality points, enhancing all CIS troop center units with 25 ADDITIONAL hit points and an attack increase of +3. It costs 500 carbon and 300 nova, and it has an effect on all troop type units.  But the forth icon can be useful in this second level: that is the cooling sleeves, which helps the droids and the mechs by cooling them while they fire at the enemy targets.  With that their shots are more accurate, and powerful. With this, your SBD gains +1 damage after all successful hits. This upgrade also costs 250 food and 100 nova, but makes all troop center units (except AA droids) more powerful by giving them +1 attack, and for the mechs.

Well, that is seems to be all. Theheavysuperbattledroid fully upgraded Phase 3 SBD can show us that much. They are much quicker, stronger, and see further, and they are produced much faster. Their damage is 8+5 at this moment, line of sight is 4+4, the shield is 0+3/1+4. They are produced in the factories 20%+33% faster, and they can move10 % faster despite they have a large and thick armor on them. Wow. Impressive. This is a great condition, and a perfect state, and it can be further upgraded to repeater droids, oh my... After these, the cis_armydroid IS the best infantry unit of the whole game. In this level, grenade/torpedo launcher SBDs are fearsome. The enemy troops are much weaker, as the time went away if we focus only the troop center units, the difference is much bigger, and the CIS now dominates. These Phase 3 Super Battle Droids are very strong, and just pouring out from the factories, there is no enemy that could fight them with a chance of success, no clones, or other single units, especially if you support your Ph3 SBDs with spider droids, elite geonosians, arena beasts, fighters, and with those great CIS units that I chose as a header of this main section on the top of this page. Under the control of a good gamer this CIS army will be unstoppable, and they have the chance for the final victory!


Please take a look at my custom superbattledroid figure!

Custom B2-HA Super battle droid figure front

custom sbd figure front

Custom SBD 3.phase figure back

sbd phase2_custom_back


Custom SBD phase 3 figure left



Custom heavy superbattledroid figure right



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written by: Norbert Rostas 2017.04.15., the figure was made years before it


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