
Forn Dodonna

Knights of the Old Republic 1


Forn Dodonna was an admiral in the Republic Navy during the Jedi Civil War. Admiral Dodonna was a very strong-willed woman. After all, she is one of the few female fleet commanders in recorded history. Despite her gender, she was respected by her officers. She was one of the most senior of naval personnel during the War. Towards the end of the war, Dodonna was signaled by Carth Onasi, who informed her of the Star Forge, a massive factory-space station that was being used by the Sith. Realizing that this was the opportunity she desperately needed to put an end to the war. Gathering a fleet together, Admiral Dodonna set out for the Star Forge system. En route, Admiral Dodonna's fleet was reunited with many survivors of the Sith attack on the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. Led by Jedi Master Vandar Tokare, the group joined the fleet in its endeavor to destroy the Star Forge. Upon arriving in the system, Admiral Dodonna's fleet was confronted with a sizeable defense fleet, which guarded the Star Forge itself. dodonna_hologramDodonna was contacted by Carth Onasi once more, from the Ebon Hawk, whose crew deactivated a massive deflector field being generated from the nearby planet Lehon, which would have otherwise destroyed the fleet. Still, Admiral Dodonna was suffering heavy losses in the space battle, and suggested a retreat, but Carth insisted that the Republic probably wouldn't get another chance to strike at the Star Forge again. Dodonna conceded, and the Ebon Hawk's crew, with the advise of Master Vandar, resolved to lead a Jedi strike team onto the Star Forge, to find and kill Darth Malak. Meanwhile, Dodonna was facing troubles of her own. Her entire fleet was faced with an impenetrable defensive line, preventing her from ordering a bombardment of the Star Forge. dodonna watches the strategic displaysMaster Vandar attributed to Bastila Shan, a fallen Jedi who was very adept at using battle meditation, a Force ability that allowed her to inspire certain troops and influence an entire battle. Master Vandar and Admiral Dodonna was overseeing the battle on tactical displays, and directed the ships. However Bastila's battle meditation was allowing the Sith to quickly counter every strategy Admiral Dodonna devised. Nevertheless, Admiral Dodonna pressed on. Conditions soon changed after Bastila stopped using her battle meditation against the Republic fleet, after her loved Revan lured her back to the Light Side, or after the dark Revan killed her in the Star Forge. Without Bastila's support the Sith were weakened, and soon Dodonna's relentless press finally punctured a breach in the Sith fleet's formation. When in range, Admiral Dodonna fleet attack the star forgeAdmiral Dodonna's fleet commenced a concentrated assault on the Star Forge. After Admiral Dodonna's capital ships destroyed the stabilizers, she ordered the fleet to pull back away from the Star Forge, unwilling to risk any of her ships being destroyed during the Star Forge's descent. Returning to Lehon, the fleet celebrated their victory. dodonna awards the heros with medalsDodonna herself awarded the crew of the Ebon Hawk with the Cross of Glory, the Republic's most prestigious medal, on the steps of the Temple of the Ancients (the very place that the crew had disabled the shield generator at), thus commemorating them for their invaluable support during the battle; even the crew's droids were given medals. 

In the dark side ending not Carth Onasi contacts Admiral Dodonna, but the Dark Revan and Bastila Shan. Admiral Dodonna that they had deactivated the disruptor field guarding the Star Forge, and also that Carth Onasi did not survive on the Rakata world. Darth Revan, Bastila, and their companions were sent by Master Vandar to the Star Forge, since the Jedi master and admiral Dodonna suggested them to lead a Jedi strike team into the space station, to find and capture Darth Malak, leader of the Sith. Bastila agreed, and set out for the Star Forge. Dodonna was shaken by the fact that the Sith were able to counter every maneuver she attempted to enactDodonna was shaken by the fact that the Sith were able to counter every maneuver she attempted to enact, each counter strike executed with masterful precision. Master Vandar informed Admiral Dodonna that bastila_battle_meditationBastila must have fallen to the dark side of the Force, using her battle meditation to help the Sith fleet. A massive wave of Sith fighters launched an attack on Admiral Dodonna's ranks. Many of her own fighters were destroyed. Admiral decided that their was no choice for her but to retreat. However, Master Vandar gravely pointed out to her that the Sith fleet had cut off their escape route. A large wing of Sith fighters moved to intercept dodonna_flagshipDodonna's flagship. After a few minutes of concentrated fire, her shields were overloaded, and her flagship was subsequently obliterated by the Sith fighters, taking Dodonna, Vandar, and her crew with it. With Dodonna removed from the battle, the Sith easily overwhelmed the remainder of the Republic fleet and became victorious.


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written by: Norbert Rostas 2009.10.13. the figure was made years before


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