luke skywalker in bf2 jedi archive

Jedi Archives

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2011. JUNE


Dear Visitors! Please read the article of Dark Jedi, Sith or Force Sensitive apprentices of Darth Malak, or other fallen Jedi who left the Jedi Order, and became a Sith, or used the dark side of the force. They are the antagonists of the PC game KotOR1, and Kotor 2 who killed many human beings with their lightsabers or Force Powers. You'll find a custom Dark Jedi figure, too. We'll focus on an individual Dark jedi master, Ajunta Pall for a longer moment, to picture the wrong path that a Dark Sider follow, the miserable feeling when they die, empty, scared, and confused, getting in the Eternal Darkness, for suffering to pay back that they have done in their lives.  Click the button of the Knights of the Old Republic 1 main section above, and select the dark jedi from the left menu bar!


Dear Visitors, we introduce the Telos Security Forces, the planet Telos IV itself, with the Citadel Station, the restoration project, the Bumani Exchange gangsters and the Czerka Corporation, who wanted to hold back the project. Also, I show you a Knight of the Old Republic TSF soldier custom figure, which I found very similar to the rebel fleet trooper class. Click the button of the Knights of the Old Republic 2 main section above, and select the TSF soldier from the left menu bar!










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