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Jedi Archives

You can read earlier "holomessages" of the site CustomStarWars here!



Dear Readers! We introduce the neimoidian race, and their most famous representatives, Ruune Haako, Lott Dodd, Nute Gunray, Captain Mar Tuuk, and some other personalities. Also, we mention some of the most interesting features of the Neimoidian civilization, and culture. Please take a look at my custom neimoidian dignitary (or bootlicker, maybe an advisor) figure from the Phantom Menace movie, who is very difficult to notice in the background! Click the button of the Film main section above, and select the neimoidian dignitary from the left menu bar!


Dear Readers! This time I introduce you a special figure, which is called Target exclusive clone trooper. Target is an American concern, which occasionally gives its name to special, some why exclusive figure. This is how they released a special clone for the honor of the premiere of the episode 3 movie. Also, we mention Commander Neyo and the Saleucami mission, since the 91st clone legion worked there mostly. Click the button of the Action figure main section above, and select the Target exclusive clone from the left menu bar!










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